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Finding Time For Yourself As A Busy Mom

Being a mom to five young children is an around-the-clock job that requires managing multiple activities and responsibilities every single day. From making breakfast and packing lunches to driving kids to activities, doctor appointments and playdates, my schedule is jam-packed with things that need to get done.

The one thing that seems to get squeezed out? Time for myself. At the end of each day, I’m too exhausted to do anything but collapse into bed. But recharging my batteries and taking time to pursue my own interests—even if it’s just for 20 minutes—is crucial for my own well-being and happiness. 

So here are my tips for carving out time for yourself when you feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day:

• Make the most of nap times and quiet time. Whether your kids nap every day or just a few times a week, use those windows of downtime to read a book, take a long shower, meditate or make a cup of tea. Even 15 or 20 minutes of uninterrupted “me time” helps. 

• Wake up early. I know how difficult this can be as a sleep-deprived mom! But just 30 minutes of quiet in the morning before the rest of the household stirs can set the tone for your whole day. Use that quiet time to journal, plan your day or simply drink your coffee in peace.

• Hand over responsibilities when possible. Ask your partner, a friend or grandparent to watch the kids for a few hours so you can spend that time doing something you actually want to do: meet a friend for coffee, take a yoga class or go for a walk alone. Even a once-a-month break can feel rejuvenating. 

• Make “me time” a non-negotiable part of your schedule. Treat it like any other appointment you absolutely have to keep. Schedule 30-60 minutes into your calendar each day where you disconnect and focus only on yourself, whether that means going for a jog, calling a friend, soaking in the tub or finishing a chapter of a book. 

As busy moms, we tend to put the needs of our children and families first. But loving ourselves and taking care of our own needs actually makes us better mothers overall. Finding even 20 minutes a day for “me time” can make all the difference. Make it a priority and don’t apologize for wanting some time for yourself!

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